New Executive Board Announced

Engineers Going Global is happy to announced that the new Executive Board has been chosen for 2018-2019. The format for selecting the new team was different this year in order to reflect the rescoping changes and movement to the incubator model. Instead of electing every position, only the President and Vice President were elected. Then, they helped conduct interviews to fill the remaining positions of Treasurer, Project Manager, Marketing Chair, and Outreach Chair.
The following are the members of the newest Executive Board:
President - Drew Boland, 3rd year, Civil Engineering
Vice President - Nikhith Kalkunte, 3rd year, Biomedical Engineering
Treasurer - Rachel Newman, 3rd year, Biomedical Engineering
Project Manager - Kaila Stein, 2nd year, Civil Engineering
Project Manager - Nathan Tumperi, 2nd year, Mechanical Engineering
Marketing Chair - Joana Azevedo, 3rd year, Systems Engineering
Outreach Chair - Eldon Luk, 1st year, Computer Science
The new Exec team is comprised of a lot of experienced EGG members in order to further solidify the Rescoping process. They look forward to their time in Exec and furthering the mission of EGG throughout the University!